
ulang tahun prime data center solution

PRIME DCS was founded by driven professionals and fueled with a passion for information technologies, and data center development. This passion is fulfilled through a professional and experienced support team poised to deliver infrastructure solutions, that have become the source for reliable services in all business categories.

We offers comprehensive data center support meeting their clients needs for direct responsive service. We help clients resolve various challenges that may result from improperly planned IT infrastructure, high power consumption, clients ROI, also the purpose and utilization of the developed IT infrastructure.

We holds steadfast to our guiding principles of Professional, Responsive, Innovative technology to make sure our clients receive the value needed to propel their company goals. Our strong client relationships and association with our business partner make our company the reliable choice.

Prime is always looking for potential team member to help the business and provide not only the opportunity to grow your career, but also chances to nourish your skill and professionalism, supported with comfortable working environment for all Prime family.

Available Vacancies

Mechanical & Electrical Expert

  • Usia maksimal 35 tahun
  • Pendidikan minimal S1 Teknik Mekanikal / Elektro
  • Pengalaman pada bidang yang sam minimal 3 tahun
  • Memahami produk dan standar teknis yang berlaku
  • Menguasai pengetahuan dan standar kelistrikan dan mekanikal
  • Mampu menyusun perancangan teknis (kalkulasi, gambar, BOQ, spesifikasi teknis)
  • Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris yang baik (lisan dan tulisan)
  • Update dengan tren teknologi terkini
  • Bertanggung Jawab
  • Inovatif
  • Memiliki skill komunikasi yang baik

Project Manager

  • usia maks 45 thn
  • pengalaman min 5 thn bekerja pada bidang konstruksi / infrastruktur
  • pendidikan min S1 teknik sipil/elektrikal/IT
  • memiliki SKA ahli manajemen proyek ( lebih diutamakan )
  • menguasai management proyek, resiko dan strategi perencanaan proyek
  • memiliki kemampuan leadership
  • mengusai autocad, ms office, ms office project
  • bertanggung jawab, jujur, dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan
  • bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia

Marketing Business Development

  • Usia maks 35 thn
  • Pendidikan min S1 Desain Grafis/Desain Komunikasi Visual/Multimedia Kreatif
  • Fresh Graduate/ maks pengalaman 3 tahun dibidang yang sama
  • Mahir mengoperasikan Photoshop, Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator, dll
  • Memiliki keterampilan menggambar sketsa tangan diutamakan
  • Kreatif, bertanggung jawab, dapat diandalkan, mampu bekerja dalam tim, inisiatif tinggi, berjiwa seni tinggi,
  • Keterampilan memecahkan masalah
  • Kemampuan komunikasi dan interpersonal yang sangat baik dengan kemampuan untuk beradaptasi dengan budaya dan lingkungan baru secara efektif, memiliki kepribadian dan sikap yang baik, suka belajar hal-hal baru, dan sehat jasmani dan rohani
  • Bersedia bekerja di bawah tekanan dan kerja lembur


  • Pendidikan min S1 Akuntansi/Finance
  • Memahami dasar-dasar akuntansi, perpajakan, mampu membuat laporan keuangan dan rekonsiliasi bank
  • Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik
  • Memiliki komitmen, integritas, loyalitas dan mampu menjaga rahasia perusahaan
  • Teliti, detail dan fokus pada target penyelesaian tugas
  • Memiliki komunikasi yang baik serta perilaku dan sikap yang baik
  • Memiliki keinginan untuk terus belajar dan mengembangkan diri
  • Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
  • Mampu bekerja dengan tim atau individu
  • Memiliki Sertifikat Breavet A & B akan lebih diutamakan

Be A Part of Prime DCS Hero Team


Integrated Data Center Services

Prime passion for information technologies and data center development has become the source to deliver reliable Data Center Services. Our professional and experienced support team driven to give their best to provide all of our services.

Project Management | Infrastructure Services | System Integrator | Data Center Cleaning

Data Center Solutions

Prime Data Center Solutions are created with customers benefit in mind in the first place. All our data center solutions are designed to provide you the latest advantages in data center technologies without sacrificing scalability, reliability and modularity for future growth.

Data Center Facilities | Data Center Management & Automation | Virtualization | IT Network Infrastructure | Disaster Recovery Plan | Disaster Recovery Center

World Class Partners

Prime is always looking for potential world-class partners with innovative and distinctive technologies for collaboration and creating new business opportunities.