Disaster Recovery Plan

Business cannot always avoid disasters, whether a natural disaster or intentionally created disaster (terrorist attack for eg.), but with careful and well documented planning, the effect of disaster event can be reduce to the minimum impact. Various objective of a Disaster Recovery Plan including minimize operation downtime and data losses, and provide the ability for business to be back in fully functioning operation mode at fastest time as possible while ensuring the whole operation become stable and fully recover.

PRIME will help your organization to adopt Business Continuity Plan (BCP), a comprehensive sets of best practice which cover broader range of business continuity including :

  1. Business Resumption Plan
  2. Occupant Emergency Plan
  3. Continuity of Operations Plan
  4. Incident Management Plan and
  5. Disaster Recovery Plan

Focus to the fifth element on BCP guidelines, on Disaster Recovery Plan, PRIME will draft a comprehensive set of Recovery Planning that will ensure benefit to your organization.

  1. Providing a sense of security
  2. Minimizing risk of delays
  3. Guaranteeing the reliability of standby systems
  4. Providing a standard for testing the plan
  5. Minimizing decision-making during a disaster
  6. Reducing potential legal liabilities
  7. Lowering unnecessarily stressful work environment


On data center disaster recovery plan, PRIME will focus on data center facility such as infrastructure, physical location, construction, power sources, security and many other important aspect which has impact on the disrupted Information technology systems, network and other organization critical assets.

PRIME disaster recovery plan will cover:

  • Business unit operational objective
  • Critical assets identification related to business objectives
  • Threats and vulnerabilities identification to asset and business objectives
  • Comprehensive strategy development

Integrated Data Center Services

Prime passion for information technologies and data center development has become the source to deliver reliable Data Center Services. Our professional and experienced support team driven to give their best to provide all of our services.

Project Management | Infrastructure Services | System Integrator | Data Center Cleaning

Data Center Solutions

Prime Data Center Solutions are created with customers benefit in mind in the first place. All our data center solutions are designed to provide you the latest advantages in data center technologies without sacrificing scalability, reliability and modularity for future growth.

Data Center Facilities | Data Center Management & Automation | Virtualization | IT Network Infrastructure | Disaster Recovery Plan | Disaster Recovery Center

World Class Partners

Prime is always looking for potential world-class partners with innovative and distinctive technologies for collaboration and creating new business opportunities.