PRIME DCS Obtain ISO 9001: 2015

prime dcs sebagai penyedia data center solution mendapat sertifikasi ISO 9001:2015 March 12, 2019 11:36 am | Published by Prime Editor

PRIME DCS Data Center Contractors Obtain ISO 9001: 2015 By International Certification Agency

PT Pradata Integra Media (PRIME) is as the leading provider of integrated data center solutions and services in Indonesia has proven its commitment in implementing international standardization in its series of services from consultation, construction, maintenance, and audit of data center.

PRIME Data Center Solution or well-known as PRIME DCS has achieved ISO certification right on the 6th PRIME DCS anniversary on February 18, 2019, namely ISO 9001: 2015 for the Quality Management System. This ISO certification is given by an international standard Certification Institute, Intertek as the National Accreditation Committee which has been recognized in more than 100 countries in the world for more than 130 years.

Given our vital services and duties as data center designers and contractors with clients spread throughout Indonesia and abroad, it is important to guarantee our professionalism to our clients. With the achievement of ISO 9001: 2015, the solution and focus of services to build a data center infrastructure as well as various information technology needs relating to consulting, construction, maintenance and auditing have been recognized as compliant with ISO 9001: 2015.

ISO 9001: 2015 is an internationally recognized quality management system standard and a global benchmark. This latest standard emphasizes the involvement and commitment of leaders in the implementation of good governance in the company. Then the management point of view places more emphasis on managing risk and mitigating it.

The main focus of quality management is to fulfill more than just customer needs to drive efficiency, customer service, and product excellence. With risk-based management echoed by ISO 9001: 2015, organizations are now required to proactively determine what is best for customers. The leadership factors, direction and mission of top management become strength so that the whole team can walk in the direction. Creating value for customers will be easier if our organization is supported by a competent and fully engaged team at all levels of the organization. Then, the process approach makes the organization have to emphasize the relationship between all parts of the team.

In the fast-moving modern era, every organization is required to make improvements and development on all fronts. Therefore, we will more actively respond to any internal or external changes that can affect the value of products or services in the eyes of customers. Not only that, the right decision making based on evidence is one thing that is also focused on ISO. Then, business life in the era of advanced communication technology today requires every organization to establish active communication with various parties.

A company known as a Contractor, Integrated Data Center Solution and Service Provider in Indonesia, PRIME DCS has provided a breakthrough that is in line with the company’s commitment. The ISO commitment achieved by the DCS PRIME will continue to be regularly monitored annually with internal and external audits by independent auditors. With the commitment of all DCS PRIME management in this governance, we will provide continuous improvement in our services to our customers. This is to meet the needs of data centers, our clients in state and private institutions that are constantly developing, are increasingly sophisticated and complex.

The implementation of ISO 9001: 2015 will have a significant impact on increasing employee productivity, motivation and performance through better business processes. In the end, this is expected to provide a sense of security and professionalism with guaranteed information security to our clients.

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