Study Case & White Paper

From Compromised to Optimized: One Data Center – $10 million Saved

January 23, 2019 7:31 pm

This paper, written for senior managers in the data center owner-operator business, describes how Future Facilities’ ACE performance score and predictive modeling for DCIM were used to save $10 million in one data center. It follows on from our previous paper, Five Reasons your Data Center’s Availability, Capacity and Efficiency are being Compromised, and describes how we achieved these savings in a three-stage process: assess, improve, maintain. In the design and operational phases of data center management, there is a continuing need to meet business goals – from reducing costs to achieving optimal performance and operational flexibility. How well a...

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5 Reasons Data Center’s Availability, Capacity and Efficiency are being Compromised

January 22, 2019 10:34 pm

Data center owner-operators are increasingly looking for solutions to minimize total cost of ownership, cost per kW of IT load, and downtime. This paper explains the five main contributors to runaway data center costs, then introduces the ACE performance score and the continuous modeling process. Using both, this paper briefly explains how they are helping owner-operators save millions of dollars annually per data hall. Could ‘minimize’ be the verb that best sums up a data center owner-operator’s ultimate objective? Think about it, whatever business you’re in, and whichever type of data center(s) you own, you almost certainly want to minimize one or...

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App Note: The Virtual Facility for a Colocator

December 19, 2018 11:30 pm

When Compass Datacenters™ wanted a tool to let them confidently capacity plan, they chose the Virtual Facility. As a colocator whose disaster-resistant, future-proofed data centers have met with critical acclaim, the company has used the Virtual Facility from their first day of trading to design and commission DCs that maximize revenue and ensure that service level agreements (SLAs) remain unbreached. Compass Datcenters Compass is a wholesale provider focused on delivering dedicated data centers for businesses seeking 1MW to 4MW of ‘day one’ IT load capacity. Crucially, it offers customers “future growth in the location of their choice”. For that to...

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Citigroup & NYSERDA FlexTech Project

December 17, 2018 2:25 pm

The Virtual Facility powered by engineering simulation Citigroup utilized the Virtual Facility (VF) from Future Facilities to improve their NYC data center’s efficiency, un-covering potential savings of over $290,000 annually. With an initial investment of just $28,500 for remediation, the project is expected to see a full ROI in 6 months. Powered by engineering simulation, the VF allowed Citi-group to simulate and predict the impact of any change – removing uncertainty in the decision-making process and laying the groundwork for the VF to be fully integrated into their workflow. Citigroup & NYSERDA Bermitra dengan Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan Energi Negara...

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Prime Data Center Solutions are created with customers benefit in mind in the first place. All our data center solutions are designed to provide you the latest advantages in data center technologies without sacrificing scalability, reliability and modularity for future growth.

Data Center Facilities | Data Center Management & Automation | Virtualization | IT Network Infrastructure | Disaster Recovery Plan | Disaster Recovery Center

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Prime is always looking for potential world-class partners with innovative and distinctive technologies for collaboration and creating new business opportunities.