Below are some of our clients with their Data Center project. Not all our project are listed here. If you need more information about our project reference and track record, please do not hesitate to contact us.

No | Client Name | Project Name | Year | Project Explanation |
1 | PT. Waskita Karya | Extended Warranty dan Maintenance Precision AC (PAC) dan UPS | 2022 | |
2 | Kementerian Pertanian | Optimization of the Ministry of Agriculture's Data Center Cooling System | 2022 | Cooling system analysis with 3d modeling, civil, AC procurement and installation |
3 | Bank OCBC | Data Cabling Works | 2021 | Data Cabling Works |
4 | Pusat Sistem Informasi Teknologi Keuangan - Kementerian Keuangan | Providing UPS and Wall Display | 2021 | Providing UPS and Wall Display |
5 | PT Mitra Tekno Madani | PT Permodalan Nasional Madani's Data Center Development Work | 2021 | Interior Data Center Work, Electrical System, Electronic System, Data Cabling System, Cooling System, Manufacture and Installation, Fire Suppression System |
6 | Kementerian PPN/Bappenas | Procurement of Information and Communication Technology Equipment and Supporting Facilities for Pusdatinrenbang Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas Year 2021 | 2021 | Developing Data Center and awarded Certification Tier III Uptime Institute, with details: ICT equipment procurement work includes: - SAN Switch Device - Device Storage - Configure Virtual Storage - Virtual Storage License The work of the Procurement of Supporting Facilities includes: - Physical Data Center Room - Electrical System - UPS system - Generator Set System - Air Conditioning System - Rack and Containment System - Tier Certification for Constructed Facilities (TCCF) Certification Work |
7 | Perusahaan Umum Badan Urusan Logistik (PERUM BULOG) | Data Center Relocation in 2021 | 2021 | Civil and Interior Works, electrical system work, mechanical system work, electronic system work, maintenance work, testing and commissioning, providing equipment operation training, and making documentation. |
8 | Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG) | Data Center Development at BIG | 2021 | Developing Data Center and awarded Certification Rated-3 TIA 942, with details: Civil Works (Preparatory Work, Demolition, Rehabilitation of D-O Building for Data Center), Facility Improvement (Electric Distribution Panels, Electrical Cables for POWER & PE, Sockets & Lighting, Power Tray Systems, Grounding Ground (PE), FSS) |
9 | Direktorakt Jenderal Administrasi Hukum Umum (AHU) | Maintenance of Data Center AHU | 2021 | Perform Preventive Data Center Maintenance, Perform Corrective Repair of Data Center Equipment, Engineer On Site / Technical Support |
10 | Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (Bappenas) | Maintenance of Taman Suropati Data Center Facilities & Bappenas Tower | 2021 | Perform Preventive Data Center Maintenance, Perform Corrective Repair of Data Center Equipment, Engineer On Site / Technical Support |