Green Building Design Innovations to Reduce Data Center Carbon Footprint in Indonesia

August 5, 2024 12:07 pm | Published by Web Editor

The carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gas emissions produced by human activities, measured in tons of carbon dioxide (CO2). Data centers, as the backbone of digitalization, contribute significantly to these emissions due to high energy consumption. Reducing the carbon footprint is essential to addressing climate change and maintaining ecosystem balance. Implementing green building design in data centers is a strategic step that can be taken to achieve this goal.

Indonesia, the fourth most populous country in the world, is experiencing rapid development in its digital infrastructure. Additionally, Indonesia has various climate zones depending on its location. Some regions, such as coastal areas in Sumatra and Java, have experienced average daily temperatures of 32°C and occasional peaks of around 34°C over the past 20 years. Humidity can also exceed 80% in these regions. As the demand for data centers increases, it becomes crucial to ensure that these data centers are built and operated in an environmentally friendly manner.

The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of the process of developing a standard rating tool for green data centers, tailored to the unique context and challenges faced by Indonesia. We can help data center operators adopt more environmentally friendly practices, use less energy, and leave a smaller carbon footprint by establishing a standarized rating system. Green data centers are becoming increasingly significant in today’s digital age because they provide a more sustainable and energy-efficient way to manage and store data. With growing awareness of environmental impacts and the need for sustainable practices, it is essential to develop standard rating tools for green data centers.

Green Data Centers in Indonesia

Definition and Concept of Green Data Centers

A green data center is a data storage facility designed to minimize environmental impact through energy efficiency and the use of renewable resources. These data centers implement various technologies and practices aimed at reducing carbon emissions and enhancing operational sustainability.

Why Green Data Centers?

Data centers, as hubs of electronic activity, are significant energy consumers globally. One study found that the global data center industry represents about 1% of total global electricity consumption. In 2018, the industry consumed approximately 205 terawatt hours (TWh). With a large population and the highest e-commerce penetration rate in the region, Indonesia is projected to be the fastest-growing market for cloud computing and data centers in Southeast Asia, with an annual growth rate of around 22.7 percent over the next few years.

To support the Indonesian Government’s efforts to decarbonize the economy, the proposed Green Data Center Standard will primarily focus on the carbon footprint of green data center improvements, encompassing several other relevant aspects. While other stakeholders and research journals use the term Sustainable Data Center, the common understanding of both terms mainly refers to efficient electricity usage and the pursuit of various purposes.

Impact of Data Center Carbon Emissions

The carbon emissions from data centers can have wide-ranging impacts on the environment, economy, and society.The following are a few of the most crucial things to remember:

  1. Climate Change: Accumulation of greenhouse gasses from emissions (including those from data centers) accelerates climate change, leading to temperature rises, more frequent and severe weather events, sea-level rise, and ecosystem changes. The effects of these changes on wildlife, coastal populations, agriculture, and habitats are extensive.
  2. Resource Depletion:Data centers use technology and procedures that consume a lot of energy, which contributes to the depletion of resources. Ecosystems and natural resources may be strained by the extraction and processing of minerals, metals, and fossil fuels for energy and equipment manufacturing.
  3. Public Health Issues: Data center carbon emissions and related air pollutants can degrade air quality and contribute to respiratory problems, allergies, and other health issues in nearby communities, posing risks to public health.
  4. Rising Energy Costs: The high energy consumption by data centers can strain local power grids, potentially causing energy shortages and increased energy costs for consumers and businesses. This can affect the overall economic stability of communities.

Reducing Carbon Footprint with Green Data Center Standardization

Companies that operate data centers are actively putting different plans into practice to lessen their carbon footprint and support environmental sustainability. Among the recent initiatives are:

1. On-Site Microgrids

These are local energy systems that operate independently or in conjunction with the main power grid. They integrate various energy sources—such as solar panels, wind turbines, batteries, and sometimes backup generators—to provide partial or full power supply to the data center. On-site microgrids can operate autonomously, disconnecting from the main grid during outages, or interact with the grid to manage energy supply and demand.

2.Energy-Saving Infrastructure

Power consumption can be reduced and performance can be maximized by implementing energy-efficient hardware, such as servers and cooling systems.

3.Data Center Consolidation

Combining several data centers into fewer, larger facilities reduces total energy use and carbon emissions.

4.AI and Machine Learning

These technologies can optimize data center operations, predict and manage energy consumption, cooling, and workloads more efficiently.

5.Lifecycle Management

Proper disposal and recycling of IT equipment at the end of its lifecycle reduce waste and environmental impact.

6.Monitoring and Optimization Tools

Data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tools and digital twin software help monitor and optimize resource usage, leading to better energy efficiency and waste reduction.


These are some of the processes involved in building environmentally friendly green data centers. To realize the concept of energy-efficient data centers, you must consider several aspects as mentioned above.

Achieve and Obtain Green Data Center Certification with Prime DCS Data Center Infrastructure Management Services!

Prime DCS provides advanced and efficient data center infrastructure management solutions, helping you achieve high sustainability standards and obtain green data center certification .Prime DCS provides leading services to improve the performance and energy efficiency of your data center. Contact us now for consultation and next steps on your journey towards an environmentally friendly and sustainable data center.


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