Building the Future of Digital Energy: Signing of MoU Between PT. Pradata Integra Media and the PLN Beyond KWH Accelerated Program

July 3, 2024 11:05 am | Published by Web Editor

On June 27, 2024, in Batam City, PT. Pradata Integra Media (Prime DCS) and PLN Batam signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to support the PLN Beyond KWH Accelerated program. This significant event was attended by several key officials and figures from various collaborating companies, including President Director of PLN Batam M. Irwansyah Putra, Director of Human Capital PLN Energi Primer Indonesia Dedeng Hidayat, Finance Director of PLN Batam Perdamaian Martondang, as well as representatives from PT Multitech Infomedia, PT Orbitec, PT Nusa Data, and PT Tab Solution.

Building Collaboration for the Future

The event featured a warm welcome from the President Director of Prime DCS. In his remarks, Prime DCS expressed gratitude and appreciation for the opportunity to collaborate with PLN Batam. As a company engaged in the development of data centers with a focus on environmental sustainability, PT. Pradata Integra Media is honored to participate in a strategic initiative that supports the development of data center business and other ICT services at PLN Batam.

The MoU represents a significant initial step in fostering collaboration between Prime DCS and PLN Batam. It also outlines that PLN Batam appoints Prime DCS as a partner in developing the data center market for PLN Batam to a broader industrial audience. With a spirit of collaboration, both parties are committed to jointly developing innovative solutions that can support sustainable digital transformation in the energy and data center services sectors.

Shared Vision: Promoting Sustainable Digital Energy

In his speech, a representative of PT. Pradata Integra Media expressed gratitude for the opportunity given by PLN Batam to collaborate in supporting the PLN Beyond KWH program. One highlighted initiative is the development of a Green Data Center by PLN Batam, which is one of the first in Indonesia and has received TIER III certification from the Uptime Institute. This step not only demonstrates PLN Batam’s commitment to environmental sustainability but also pioneers sustainable digital transformation in the energy and data center services sector.

Benefits of Strategic Cooperation

The MoU paves the way for various potential future collaborations between Prime DCS and PLN Batam, including the following benefits:

1.Development of Data Center Infrastructure 

This collaboration allows Prime DCS to participate in the development and management of sustainable data center infrastructure, in line with PLN Batam’s green data center concept.

2.Development of ICT Services 

Through this MoU, opportunities will be created to develop innovative and sustainable information and communication technology (ICT) services, which can support PLN Batam’s operations in enhancing service efficiency and quality.

3.Collaboration in Innovation 

Prime DCS hopes to collaborate with PLN Batam in developing new innovations in information technology and energy, providing long-term benefits for both parties and the community as a whole.

Commitment to Sustainability 

A commitment to environmental sustainability is one of the core values of this cooperation. Prime DCS has long been committed to developing environmentally friendly technological solutions, particularly in green data center development. Collaboration with PLN Batam in supporting the PLN Beyond KWH Accelerated program is a tangible step in realizing this commitment more broadly, leveraging technology to reduce the environmental impact of data center operations.

Future Challenges and Opportunities

Although the MoU is an important initial step, there will be future challenges to address. These include maintaining consistency in green data center implementation, ensuring the financial sustainability of collaborative projects, and continuously developing new innovations to adapt to changes in the technology and energy industries.

Furthermore, there are significant opportunities to elevate this partnership to a deeper level, involving more parties and developing broader collaborative programs. With a solid framework for cooperation and a shared vision for a sustainable digital energy future, Prime DCS and PLN Batam can jointly face global challenges in the energy and technology industries.


The signing of the MoU between Prime DCS and PLN Batam is an important step in building synergy for a sustainable digital energy future. With a commitment to environmental sustainability and technological innovation, both parties hope to make significant contributions not only to their respective businesses but also to the community and environment around them. In this endeavor, mutual collaboration and cooperation are key to achieving shared goals in developing a better and more sustainable energy industry.

Thus, this MoU is not just a legal agreement but also a symbol of a joint commitment to bring about positive change in Indonesia’s energy and information technology industries. Visit us here for more information.

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